Online Salary Checker tool available for Cambodia at Check your salary through salary checker tool and compare your salary, wage, income with industry and other people.

The Salary Checker gives a free salary comparison based on job title, years of experience, and education. It provides accurate salary information for Cambodia.


Salary Check FAQs

Why is there only a general option for my occupation available in the Salary Checker, and not a more specific one?

The Salary Checker recognises around 4000 occupations from a wide range of sectors. It is possible that the occupation one pursues is relatively new or unique to a certain region or country. The Checker strives for as much inclusion as possible and welcomes feedback from individuals who wish to improve it: If you want to add a specific occupation to the drop-down, or if you can't find yours, please contact us at

How can I be assured that the Salary Checker will hold accurate information of the wage records of other people in my occupation?

The WageIndicator organisation encourages individuals who participate in the Salary Checker to provide accurate and honest responses, since the data is only collected from those who voluntarily submit their responses. It is therefore impossible to guarantee 100 percent accuracy. That being said, the calculations in the Salary Checker are done using globally accepted statistics, and excessively high and low wages recorded are eliminated to avoid tainting the wage calculations. To improve accuracy, highly unlikely information is also removed.

Why do I have to provide details of the number of years of my work experience when submitting the data?

A person's productivity and the number of years they have worked have a positive correlation, with more years of experience leading to higher productivity, and vice versa. This is because, over time, one gains more knowledge and understanding of how to improve the efficiency of one’s tasks. It is useful to know how long someone has been in a particular occupation in order to provide accurate data and increase the validity of the Salary Checker.